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Table 2 Search terms

From: Improving economic access to healthy diets in first nations communities in high-income, colonised countries: a systematic scoping review

Search term groups


Economic access component of food security/affordability

1. food security [MeSH]

2. “food secur*” OR “food insecur*” OR “food sufficien*” OR “food insufficien*” OR “food access*” OR “food afford*” OR “food sovereign*” OR “food pric*” OR “food subsid*”

3. (diet OR fruit OR vegetable OR grocer* OR nutrition* OR meal) AND (afford* OR pric* OR access*)

Intervention terms

4. intervention OR policy OR policies OR strateg* OR evaluat*

5. income OR “cost of living” OR poverty OR financ* OR budget* OR payment OR benefit OR money OR cash OR supplement* OR voucher OR coupon OR expen* OR spend* OR purchas* OR buy OR subsid* OR welfare OR “social security” OR “social support” OR “social protection” OR “social enterprise” OR tax OR taxation

Population groups

6. Aborigin* OR Torres Strait Island* OR Indigen* OR “First Nation*” OR Maori OR Inuit OR Metis OR “Native Canadian” OR “Native American” OR “American Indian” OR “Alaska Native” OR “first people*” OR “native group*”

Included countries

7. Australia* OR “New Zealand” OR “NZ” OR Canada OR “United States” OR “US” OR “USA” OR “North America”

Combined searches

8. 1 OR 2 OR 3

9. 8 AND 4 AND 5 AND 6 AND 7

10. 9 + Filters: NOT animal; publication date: 01/01/1996 to present