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Table 3 Percentage of children correctly choosing the healthiest option, the least healthy option and both, and time required to make these decisions, across numeric and traditional warning labels (WL)

From: Objective understanding of front of pack warning labels among Mexican children of public elementary schools. A randomized experiment

n = 205

Numeric WL

Traditional WL

% (95%CI)

% (95%CI)

Correctly choosing the healthiest product

33.6 (27.5, 40.4)

46.1 (39.3, 53.0)

Correctly choosing the least healthy product

31.7 (25.6, 38.4)

38.4 (31.9, 45.3)

Correctly choosing the healthiest and the least healthy product overall

19.0 (14.2, 25.0)

28.7 (22.8, 35.4)


Median (95% CI)

Median (95% CI)

Time to choose the healthiest product (seconds)

14.2 (11.2, 18.2)

11.0 (6.4, 15.0)

Time to choose the least healthy product (seconds)

21.73 (17.6, 27.1)

17.7 (13.0, 24.3)

Time to choose the healthiest or the least healthy product (seconds)

17.8 (14.7, 22.3)

14.6 (8.8, 19.7)

  1. WL Warning label
  2. Bolds indicate significantly different (p < 0.05) to numeric WL