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Table 3 Glycemic and insulin indices

From: Probiotic fruit beverages with different polyphenol profiles attenuated early insulin response

Tested products

Glycemic index (0–90 min) (%)

Glycemic index (0–120 min) (%)

Insulin index (0–90 min) (%)

Insulin index (0–120 min) (%)

Glucose (n = 11)





Bilberry (n = 10)

88.9 (66.0–101.3)

95.3 (70.6–102.1)

65.7 (54.1–86.7)b

63.8 (56.5–86.7)b

Blackcurrant (n = 10)

75.1 (45.1–141.1)

75.4 (45.1–141.1)

73.8 (61.2–101.6)b#

76.9 (59.2–105.0)ab

Beetroot (n = 11)

85.9 (39.7–112.4)

91.0 (39.1–113.7)

86.9 (74.7–112.9)ab

86.5 (73.2–114.6)ab

Mango (n = 10)

68.4 (43.2–128.9)

68.4 (43.2–129.1)

67.6 (61.2–89.6)ab

68.9 (59.3–89.6)ab

Rose hip (n = 11)

63.5 (41.1–111.3)

58.2 (41.1–112.6)

72.3 (58.1–87.7)b

70.8 (62.6–93.6)b

  1. Superscripted data are presented as median (IQR). Groups that do not share the same letter are significantly different. #Before P value adjustment P = 0.034, after adjustment P = 0.062