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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the study patients

From: Intake of partially defatted Brazil nut flour reduces serum cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic patients- a randomized controlled trial


Brazil nut (n = 35)

Placebo (n = 42)

Age – years

59.6 ± 10.8

60.4 ± 9.9

Elderly – n (%)*

19 (54.3 %)

22 (52.4 %)

Male – n (%)

20 (57.1 %)

23 (54.8 %)

Diabetes – n (%)

17 (48.6 %)

15 (35.7 %)

BMI– kg/m2

29.9 ± 6.5

29.3 ± 4.8

Overweight / obesity – n. (%)

27 (77.1 %)

35 (83.3 %)

Plasma selenium - μg/L

88.7 ± 15.3

86.6 ± 17.2

Physical activity – n (%)†

13 (37.1 %)

14 (33.3 %)

MET (kcal/day)

23.8 ± 46.1

27.1 ± 53.8

Drug therapy – n (%)


Lipid-lowering drugs



31 (88.6)

35 (83.3)


18 (51.4)

15 (35.7)


15 (42.8)

14 (33.3)

Antihypertensive drugs



25 (71.4)

26 (61.9)

 ACE Inhibitors

16 (45.7)

22 (52.4)

 Calcium channel blockers

14 (40.0)

15 (35.7)


31 (88.6)

35 (83.3)


16 (45.7)

20 (47.6)


13 (37.1)

14 (33.3)

  1. Mean ± SD or n (%). BMI Body mass index; MET metabolic equivalent; ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB angiotensin II receptor blockers
  2. * Individuals older than 60
  3. † Expressed as the percentage of individuals who responded positively to these questions (% Yes)
  4. For quantitative variables, we used a Student’s t test for independent samples (selenium and age) or a Mann–Whitney U test for variables with normal and non-normal distributions, respectively. For categorical variables, we used a chi-squared test. There was no significant difference between groups at baseline