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Table 2 Comparison of weight retention1 and waist circumference at 10 months postpartum between the groups. The values represent numbers (%) and odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence intervals, CI) or means (SD) and mean differences (95% CI)

From: Reducing postpartum weight retention – a pilot trial in primary health care


Intervention group

(n = 46)

Control group

(n = 37)

Intervention vs. control


Proportion of women who retained ≤0 kg, n (%)

23 (50)

11 (30)




Adjusted OR = 3.89



Weight retention, mean (SD) (kg)

1.8 (4.3)

1.0 (4.4)

Adjusted mean difference = 0.8



Waist circumference at 10 months postpartum, mean (SD) (cm)

78.1 (10.2)

75.4 (6.2)

Adjusted mean difference = 1.0



  1. 1 compared with pre-pregnancy weight
  2. 2 two-sided χ2-test
  3. 3 logistic regression model, odds ratio for retaining ≤0 kg adjusted for age, education, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, weight at 2 months postpartum (baseline), duration of exclusive breastfeeding and smoking status. Intervention group: n = 43, Control group: n = 35.
  4. 4 unadjusted means for weight retention, ANCOVA: weight at 10 months postpartum as the dependent variable, mean difference adjusted for pre-pregnancy weight
  5. 5 unadjusted means for waist circumference, ANCOVA: waist circumference at 10 months postpartum as the dependent variable, mean difference adjusted for weight circumference at 2 months postpartum (baseline), age, education, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, duration of exclusive breastfeeding and smoking status. Intervention group: n = 43, Control group: n = 35.