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Table 3 Effect of agaro-oligosaccharides on SOD activity in different organs of CCl4 induced rats a

From: Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective potential of agaro-oligosaccharides in vitro and in vivo


Liver (U/mg prot)

Heart (U/mgprot)

Serum (U/ml)

Normal control

34.18 ± 2.45

46.80 ± 2.84

313.77 ± 24.01

CCl4 control

26.97 ± 6.69#

27.71 ± 2.26#

306.89 ± 19.29

Vitamin C

33.11 ± 2.79*

32.75 ± 1.73

318.35 ± 16.39

G4 (200 mg/kg)

33.45 ± 2.87*

34.37 ± 1.34

361.08 ± 9.37*#

G5 (400 mg/kg)

38.64 ± 8.44*

37.33 ± 2.45

365.53 ± 21.13*#

G6 (600 mg/kg)

35.42 ± 2.86*

40.49 ± 2.21*

364.92 ± 14.21*#

  1. a n = 8. Each value represents the mean ± SD.
  2. Significant values: *P < 0.05 (vs CCl4 group); #P < 0.05 (vs Normal group).