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Table 1 Characteristics of adolescent mothers, their infants and maternal grandmother, by the intervention exposure*

From: Counselling sessions increased duration of exclusive breastfeeding: a randomized clinical trial with adolescent mothers and grandmothers

Infant and mother characteristics

Intervention (n = 163)

Control (n = 160)

Infant gender, Masculine: n (%)

76 (46.6)

88 (55.0)

Birth weight: median ± 2 SD (g)

3,280.50 (406.9)

3,205.93 (398.0)

Breastfeeding duration ≥6 months of previous children**: n (%)

13/22 (59.0)

11/25 (44.0)

Maternal schooling level > 8 years: n (%)

44 (27.0)

37 (23.1)

Mothers living with a partner: n (%)

102 (62.6)

100 (62.5)

≥7 prenatal care visits: n (%)

106 (65.0)

97 (60.6)

Primiparity: n (%)

141 (86.5)

135 (84.4)

Vaginal delivery: n (%)

120 (73.6)

121 (75.6)

Grandmothers characteristics

Intervention (n = 88)

Control (n = 81)

Grandmother age: mean ± 2 SD (years)

43.9 (7.4)

45.1 (8.4)

Grandmother working outside of the home: n (%)

51 (63.7)

56 (63.6)

Grandmother schooling level > 8 years: n (%)

21 (24.1)

13 (16.5)

Breastfeeding duration for the adolescent mothers: mean ± 2 SD (months)

17.7 (18.7)

12.9 (16.5)

  1. *p > 0.05 for all variants; **primiparous excluded (n intervention =22; n control = 25).