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Table 2 Number (percentage) of children with anaemia at Week 12 and Week 24 of supplementation by treatment groups

From: Effect of daily versus weekly home fortification with multiple micronutrient powder on haemoglobin concentration of young children in a rural area, Lao People's Democratic Republic: a randomised trial


Non-anaemic at baseline

Anaemic at baseline



Twice weekly



Twice weekly



(N = 72)

(N = 46)

(N = 51)

(N = 38)

(N = 65)

(N = 59)

Week 12

3 (4.2%)A

0 (0.0%)A

6 (11.8%)B

32 (84.2%)A

48 (73.8%)A

35 (59.3%)B

Week 24

1 (1.4%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (2.0%)

25 (65.8%)A

29 (44.6%)B

19 (32.2%)B

  1. A, B Within each class of anaemic status at baseline, groups with different letters have significant differences (McNemar Test, P < 0.05).