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Table 2 Strength of associations (φ coefficients and corresponding p-values) between reason to use and type of supplements used (all athletes who use supplements n = 520)

From: Limited agreement exists between rationale and practice in athletes' supplement use for maintenance of health: a retrospective study


No time preparing meal

Avoid sickness

Over-come injury

Doctors' advice


φ = .059

φ = .152

φ = .026

φ = .259


p = .180

p < .001

p = .554

p < .001


φ = .121

φ = .038

φ = .079

φ = -.088


p = .006

p = .394

p = .072

p = .044

Multi Vitamin

φ = .132

φ = .111

φ = .043

φ = -.006


p = .003

p = .011

p = .325

p = .812

Vitamin C

φ = .014

φ = .324

φ = -.005

φ = .003


p = .747

p < .001

p = .912

p = .944


φ = .044

φ = -.016

φ = .116

φ = .060


p = .260

p = .708

p = .008

p = .170


φ = .048

φ = .278

φ = .039

φ = .002


p = .272

p < .001

p = .369

p = .959

  1. * Statistically significant φ coefficients (at p ≤ .001) are in bold and associations are categorized as strong (φ > .7), intermediate (7 <φ > .3) and weak (φ < .3).