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Table 4 Examples of comments on factors that would improvise acceptability and consumption frequency of bitter melon-containing food dishes.

From: Strategies to improve palatability and increase consumption intentions for Momordica charantia(bitter melon): A vegetable commonly used for diabetes management


Comments to the question "How could this dish be better so that you would consider eating it?"


➢ "Use more beans, they help temper the bitterness; needs stronger flavor (try adding chipotle pepper)"


➢ "I think this is a great way to incorporate bitter melon."


➢ "Onions and garlic"


➢ "Adding more sweetener"


➢ "More rice"


➢ "Add salt"


➢ "Needs more spices; I like spicy chili"


➢ "I think meat could overpower the bitterness"

Tomato Sauce

➢ "Less bitter, less hard chunks"


➢ "Don't like bitter food; needs meat"


➢ "It could be better with more sugar."


➢ "This was very good! It would be very good with scallops, as they have a nice contrasting 'sweetness'."


➢ "Maybe a little more spices"


➢ "More garlic"


➢ "I thought the flavor, texture, & seasoning were all pretty good. Maybe if some cheese were added it would make it more appealing."


➢ "Still quite bitter, but the spices actually cover it well. The spiciness is quite strong."


➢ "Way too bitter; needs meat"


➢ "It would be better with more gravy"


➢ "Maybe add other veggies; it was really bitter."


➢ "Could have more curry and spices"


➢ "More salt and spice; too plain"


➢ "Stronger curry spice; garlic would help; and spice peppers"


➢ "More garlic"


➢ "More sugar or I would eat it when I'm sick."

Minestrone Soup

➢ "Make it more sweet or salty to cover up the bitter after taste."


➢ "This would actually be a really good dish with a little more garlic and salt."


➢ "Less pepper taste; love the veggies (carrot & corn)"


➢ "The spices really contribute a lot to this dish and bitter melon taste is minimal; maybe more spices or tomato flavoring?"


➢ "Add meat"


➢ "More herbs and seasoning"


➢ "I liked that it was flavored well and that the bitter melon flavor was pretty well balanced. I wouldn't change it."


➢ "Less bitter"


➢ "It was too bitter; maybe use less bitter melon. More garlic might be good."