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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of individuals with and without depressive symptoms at 5 years follow-up

From: Adherence to the Australian dietary guidelines and development of depressive symptoms at 5 years follow-up amongst women in the READI cohort study

Baseline characteristic

Depressive symptoms at 5 years follow-up

n = 174

No depressive symptoms at 5 years follow-up

n = 663


Depression (CES-D), mean (SD)

5.93 (2.24)

4.38 (2.54)

P < 0.0005

DGI score, mean (SD)

51.54 (11.12)

54.37 (11.39)

P = 0.003

Age, mean (SD)

37.23 (7.18)

37.07 (7.33)

P = 0.878

Highest education level, % (n)

 Low (less than high school)

25.3 (44)

20.4 (135)

P = 0.091

 Medium (high school /trade/diploma)

49.4 (86)

46.2 (306)


 High (tertiary)

25.3 (44)

33.5 (222)


 Born in Australia, % (n)

90.8 (158)

92.2 (611)

P = 0.671

Employment status, % (n)


39.7 (69)

36.7 (243)

P = 0.146


29.3 (51)

37.1 (246)


 Not currently employed

31.0 (54)

26.2 (174)


Relationship status, % (n)

 Married/de facto

70.1 (122)

76.3 (506)

P = 0.188


8.0 (14)

7.5 (50)


 Never married

21.8 (38)

16.1 (107)


Area of residence, % (n)


44.8 (78)

39.5 (262)

P = 0.237


55.2 (96)

60.5 (401)


Smoking status, % (n)

 Never smoked

46.6 (81)

56.0 (371)

P = 0.035

 Former smoker

29.3 (51)

27.1 (180)


 Current smoker

24.2 (42)

16.9 (112)


BMI categories, % (n)

 Under/healthy weight

50.6 (88)

56.9 (377)

P = 0.015


25.3 (44)

28.2 (187)



24.1 (42)

14.9 (99)


 BMI, mean (SD)

26.38 (6.09)

25.45 (5.22)

P = 0.108

 Total minutes per week leisure time physical activity, mean (SD)

221.90 (295.98)

220.98 (286.47)

P = 0.717