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Table 3 Within-person longitudinal associations between change in nutrient density and change in weight between baseline, 6 and 12 months

From: Greater improvements in diet quality among overweight participants following a group-based commercial weight loss programme than those receiving support to lose weight in primary care


Model 1 a

Model 2 b

Explanatory variables


95% CI



95% CI


Protein density, g/MJ

− 0.254

− 0.256

− 0.414, − 0.094

−0.415, − 0.097

p = 0.002

p = 0.002

Fibre density, g/MJ

− 0.614


−1.202, −0.025

− 1.269, − 0.083

p = 0.041

p = 0.026

Physical activity (per 10,000 pedometer steps)


− 1.675

−2.676, −0.673

p = 0.002

  1. No associations were observed between change in energy density, total fat density, saturated fat density, carbohydrate density or sugar density and change in weight between baseline, 6 and 12 months
  2. aModel 1: linear mixed effects regression model of weight collected at baseline, 6 and 12 months, with within-person change in nutrient density between baseline and 6 and 12 month follow up as explanatory variables, and adjusting for age, gender, country, intervention group (SC or CP), time period and intervention group by time interaction
  3. bModel 2: as model 1, additionally adjusted for physical activity
  4. cBeta coefficient = estimated change in weight (kg) per 1 g/MJ increase in nutrient density or per 10,000 pedometer steps between baseline and end of follow up
  5. dProbability of rejecting the null hypothesis (beta = 0) when it is true, based on a Wald test