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Table 1 Calculation of the Mediterranean diet score

From: Development and relative validation of a food frequency questionnaire for French-Canadian adolescent and young adult survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Points if yes

Olive oil (≥1 spoon/day)


Fruits (≥1 serving/day)


Vegetables of salad (≥1 serving/day)


Fruits (≥1 serving/day) and Vegetables or salad (≥1 serving/day)a


Legumes (≥ 2 servings/week)


Fish (≥ 3 servings/week)


Wine (≥1 glass/day)


Meat (< 1 serving/day)


[White bread (< 1 slice/day) and rice (< 1 cup/week)] or whole-grain bread (> 5 slices/week)b

+ 1

  1. aOne point is added when ≥1 serving/day of both fruits and vegetables is consumed
  2. bOne point is added when either consumption of both white bread and rice is low or when consumption of whole-grain bread is high. Adapted from Martinez-Gonzalez et al. 2004. Development of a short dietary intake questionnaire for the quantitative estimation of adherence to a cardioprotective Mediterranean diet. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 58: 1550–1552