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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of vitamin-D deficient and non-deficient children aged 6–30 months included in the analysis

From: Vitamin-D status and neurodevelopment and growth in young north Indian children: a secondary data analysis


n = 1000

Number of children for whom samples for vitamin-D were available at baseline

960 (96.0%)

Proportion of children

 Deficient (< 10 ng/ml)

331 (34.5)

 Non-deficient (≥ 10 ng/ml)

629 (65.5)





n = 331

n = 629

Infant characteristics

 Age at enrollment, months (mean, SD)

16.9 (7.1)

15.8 (7.0)


162 (48.9)

328 (52.2)

 Ever breastfed

325 (98.2)

622 (98.9)

 Anemia (Hb < 11 g/dl)

244 (73.7)

424 (67.4)

 Folate, nmol/L (Median, IQR)

9.1 (6.1 to 16.7)

12.5 (6.9 to 21.8)

 Vitamin B12, pmol/L (Median, IQR)

266 (181 to 406)

266 (172 to 410)

Socio-demographic characteristics

 Mother’s age, years (Mean, SD)

26.3 (5.8)

25.6 (4.1)

 Mother’s schooling, years (Median, IQR)

8 (5,10)

7 (0,10)

 Literate mother

257 (77.6)

466 (74.1)

 Father’s schooling, years (Median, IQR)

10 (7,12)

9 (6,12)

 Annual family income, US dollar(Median, IQR)a

1108 (923to 2215)

1292 (923 to2123)

  1. Figures are number (percentages) unless stated otherwise
  2. a1 US Dollar = INR 65