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Table 1 Background data, anthropometric, clinical and biochemical characteristics among 1572 children with moderate acute malnutrition

From: Correlates of whole-blood polyunsaturated fatty acids among young children with moderate acute malnutrition

Age (months), median (IQR)

11.3 (8.2; 16.0)

 6-11, n (%)

854 (54.3)

 12-17, n (%)

447 (28.5)

 18-23, n (%)

271 (17.2)


 Boys, n (%)

682 (45.2)

 Girls, n (%)

710 (54.8)

Breastfeeding status

 Still breastfed, n (%)

1488 (94.8)

 Not breastfed, n (%)

82 (5.2)

Anthropometrics indicators, mean (±SD)


−2.2 (±0.5)


−1.7 (±1.1)

 MUAC (mm)

122.6 (±4)


 Hemoglobin (g/dL), mean (±SD)

10.0 (±1.6)

 AGP (g/L), median (IQR)

1.2 (0.9; 1.6)

 CRP (mg/L), median (IQR)

2.3 (0.8; 9.5)


 Ill the last two weeks


 No, n (%)

967 (61.9)

 Yes, n (%)

596 (38.1)

Diarrhea at recruitment

 No, n (%)

1489 (94.7)

 Yes, n (%)

83 (5.3)

Fever at recruitment

 No, n (%)

1295 (82.5)

 Yes, n (%)

275 (17.5)

Malaria at recruitment

 No, n (%)

936 (59.8)

 Yes, n (%)

629 (40.2)

  1. Data are total numbers (%), mean (±SD) or median (interquartile range (IQR): 25th; 75th percentile) as indicated. Numbers in categories may not sum up 1572 due to missing data, e.g. data on breastfeeding were available from 1570, on AGP or CRP from 1541, on ill the last two weeks from 1563, on fever from 1570 and on malaria from 1565