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Table 2 Food items taken into account in harmonized food groups according to countries

From: A review of total & added sugar intakes and dietary sources in Europe


Fruits & vegetable

Dairy products

Sweet products


Belgium [23, 53]

Pit fruits, fruits unclassified, vegetables

Milk; yoghurts; cream desserts/pudding (milk-based)

Cakes/pies/pastries/puddings; dry cakes/biscuits; sugar/honey/jam; chocolate(products)

Carbonated/soft/isotonic drinks; fruit & vegetable juices; alcoholic drinks

France [25]

Fruits, cooked fruits and fruit sauces; vegetables (except potatoes)

Milk; fresh dairy products (yoghurt and fresh cheese); cheese; dairy desserts/cream desserts/gelled milks

Viennoiseries (croissants, etc.); sweet and savory biscuits and bars; cakes & pastries; ice creams & frozen desserts; sugars and candies; chocolate

Fruit & vegetable juices; fruit nectars; soft drinks; coffee; other hot beverages; alcoholic drinks

Italy [29]

Fruits, fresh and processed; vegetables, fresh and processed; spices and herbs

Milk/milk-based beverages; yoghurts/fermented milks; cheese; milk-based desserts & substitutes

Biscuits; savory fine bakery products; cakes & sweet snacks; ice cream/ice lollies and substitutes; chocolate & substitutes; candies, jam & other sweet products; cocoa & cocoa-based powder

Coffee, tea, herbal tea and substitutes; fruit & vegetable juices; other soft drinks: alcoholic beverages & substitutes

Norway [31]

Vegetables, fruits, berries, jams, preserved fruits; nuts, olives, seeds

Milk (all kinds), yoghurt, cheese

Sugars and sweets; cakes

Pure fruit juices; soft drinks and fruit drinks; beer, wine; liquor

Spain [33]

Fruits; vegetables

Milks, cheeses, yoghurt & fermented milks; other dairy products

Bakery & pastries; sugar; chocolates; jams & others; other sweets

Coffee & infusions; sugary soft drinks; non-sweetened soft drinks; sports drinks; energy drinks; juices & nectars; other drinks; alcoholic beverages

The Netherlands [21]

Fruits, nuts& olives/vegetables

Milk; dairy beverages; yoghurt; cottage cheese; coffee creamer

Sugar/honey/jams; confectionery; chocolate; syrups; ice creams; cake & cookies

Fruit & vegetable juices; soft drinks; coffee/tea; alcoholic beverages

United Kingdom [34]

Fruits; nuts and seeds; vegetables& potatoes

Milk and milk products (excluding ice cream)

Sugar/preserves& confectionery (including chocolate); ice creams; biscuits; buns/cakes/pastries & fruit pies

Fruit juices; soft drinks; tea/coffee; alcoholic beverages; dry weight beverages