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Table 1 Malnutrition screening tools for elderly hospitalized populations [11]

From: Comparison of two nutrition assessment tools in surgical elderly inpatients in Northern China


Year of validation


Initial purpose

Cutoff score

MNA-SF [2]


weight change, recent intake, BMI, acute disease, mobility, dementia/depression,

To detect malnutrition in the elderly

12-14 normal nutritional status ≤ 11 under-nourished

NRS2002 [3–5]


weight loss history, recent intake, BMI, severity of disease, age

To detect malnutrition and identify patients who need closer monitoring

0-2 well nourished ≥ 3 under-nourished

  1. MNA-SF Mini Nutritional Assessment Screening Form, NRS2002 Nutritional Risk Screening 2002