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Table 3 Subjective ratings of appetite AUC 0−4 hours

From: Effect of two dietary fibers on satiety and glycemic parameters: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, exploratory study


High dose OFS + P (N = 30)

Low dose OFS + P (N = 29)

Control (N = 29)

Baseline SLIM rating: Mean (SD)

188.1 (33.9)

164.9 (53.6)

191.9 (44.0)

SLIM rating at week 3: Mean (SD)

200.4 (39.2)

175.6 (50.1)

185.9 (52.2)

Mean change1 (SD)

12.4 (37.7)

10.8 (33.2)

- 6.0 (31.1)

LS Mean change2

13.8 (6.0)

6.9 (6.2)

- 3.7 (6.2)

95% CI of LS mean change

1.8, 25.8

- 5.5, 19.4

- 15.9, 8.6

Difference from control3 (SE)

17.5 (8.6)

10.6 (8.9)


95% CI of difference from control

0.5, 34.5

−7.0, 28.3

  1. 1Mean Change was calculated as (Week 3 Mean–Baseline Mean).
  2. 2LS Mean Change adjusted for baseline Slim Scale AUC0-4hr effect, using analysis of covariance model.
  3. 3The difference from control is the difference in the LS Mean Changes of the active treatment minus the control. Overall treatment effect p-value = 0.1279.