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Table 3 Summary of 12 included prebiotic studies

From: Synbiotics, probiotics or prebiotics in infant formula for full term infants: a systematic review

Prebiotic studies


Inclusion criteria

Treatment used in study groups, n =

Treatment duration

Reported outcomes

Bettler 200637


<14 days postnatal age, birth weight and current weight between 10–90 percentiles for age

1) Prebiotic group: FOS 1.5 g/L n=72

12 weeks

Growth: Weight, length, Head circumference


2) Prebiotic group: FOS 3.0 g/L n= 74


3) Placebo group: Conventional infant formula no prebiotic, n=66


Bruzzese 200939

Milan, Napoli, Verona Italy

37 to 42 weeks gestation, > 2500g birth weight, 4 to 6 months old

1) Prebiotic group: GOS, FOS (ratio 9:1) 0.4 g/100 ml n= 96

12 months

Growth, Weight, length. Stool consistency


2) Placebo group: conventional formula with no prebiotic, N= 105


Infections: diarrhea episodes / child 12 months, episodes of acute diarrhea, episodes of URTI, antibiotic use

Costalos 200841


Birth weight between 10th and 90th percentiles, no breastfeeding after age of 14 days

1) Prebiotic group: 90% G0S 10% LcFOS 0.4 g/100 ml n=70

6 weeks

Growth: Weight gain, length and head circumference gain


2) Placebo group: Conventional formula no prebiotic n=−70


Stool frequency, consistency. GI Microflora: Bifidobacteria, E coli

Fanaro 200542

Ferrara, Italy

Healthy full term infants, without antibiotic treatment

1) Prebiotic group: Acidic Oligosaccharides 0.2 g/dl, Maltodextrin 0.2 g/dl n= 16

6 weeks

Growth: Weight and length gain. Stool consistency


2) Prebiotic group: Acidic Oligosaccharides 0.2 g/dl, Neutral GOS FOS 0.6 g/dl n= 15


Crying, regurgitation and vomiting episodes


3) Placebo group: Maltodextrin at 8g/dl n=15


Gi Microflora

Fanaro 200843

Ferrara, Turin Italy, Las Palmas, Seville Spain

Appropriate for gestational age, birth weight > 1500g, 4 to 6 months old

1) Prebiotic group: GOS 5 g/L n= 56

18 weeks

Growth: Weight, length


Stool frequency, consistency


GI microflora: Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, Bacteriodes,


Clostridia, Enterobacteriacae

Moro 200235 (Moro 2003, considered as one study)

Milan Italy

39 to 40 weeks gestational age

1) Prebiotic group: GOS, FOS 0.4 g/dl n=30

28 days

Growth: Weight and length gain


2) Prebiotic group: GOS FOS 0.8 g/dl n= 27


Stool frequency, consistency


3) Placebo group: Maltodextrin at 0.8g/dl n=33


Crying, regurgitation and vomiting


4) Reference group: Breast milk n=15


Feeding volume


GI microflora: Bifidobaceria, Lactobacilli

Moro 200547


Healthy full term infants, appropriate for gestational age

1) Prebiotic group: GOS 0.8g/dl, n= 16

28 days

Growth: Weight, length gain


2) Placebo group: Maltodextrin at 0. 8g/dl n=16


Feeding volume


GI microflora

Moro 200637 (Arslanoglu 2007, Arslanoglu 2008 considered as one study)

Milan Italy

37 - 42 weeks gestational age

1) Prebiotic group: ScGOS Lc FOS at 8g/L, n= 104

6 months

Growth: Weight gain, length gain, head circumference


2) Placebo group: Maltodextrin at 8g/L, n=102


Stool frequency, consistency


Crying, regurgitation and vomiting


GI microflora: Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli


Infectious episodes: Overall infections, URTI, Otis Media, GI infections, UTI, antibiotic use

Schmelzle 200349

Griefswald Germany

37 to 42 weeks gestational age, birth weight between 10 to 90 percentiles, exclusive formula feeding by age 14 days old

1) Prebiotic group: 90% GOS, 10% FOS 0.8/100ml n=76

12 weeks

Growth: Males - Weight gain, length gain, head circumference


2) Placebo group: Conventional infant formula, no prebiotic, n=78


Females - Growth: Weight gain, length gain, head circumference


Volume of feed (formula)


GI microflora: Bifidobacteria

Xiao-Ming 200453

Nanjing China

Healthy full term infants

1) Prebiotic group: Galactooligosaccharide 0.24 g/ dl n=69

6 months

GI Microflora: Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, E coli


2) Prebiotic formula with Human milk n= 124


3) Placebo group: Conventional infant formula, no prebiotic, n=52


4) Reference group: Human milk n= 26


Xiao-Ming 200854

Nanjing China

> 38 weeks gestation, Birth weight > 3kg

1) Prebiotic group 1: Galactooligosaccharide 0.24 g/ 100 ml n=37

3 months

Growth: Weight gain, length gain


Stool consistency


2) Prebiotic group 2: Prebiotic formula with Human milk n= 58


Crying, regurgitation and vomiting scores


Volume of feed


3) Placebo group: Conventional infant formula, no prebiotic, n=45


GI Microflora: Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, E coli


4) Reference group: Human milk n= 24


Ziegler 200756


> 37 weeks gestation, Birth weight 2500g, solely formula fed

1) Prebiotic group 1: Polydextrose, Galactooligosaccharide n=58

120 days

Growth: Weight gain, length gain, head circumference


Stool frequency, consistency


2) Prebiotic group 2: Polydextrose, Galactooligosaccharide, Lactulose n= 48


Intolerance to formula: Vomiting, diarrhea, excessive spitting, colic


3) Placebo group: Conventional infant formula, no prebiotic, n=58
